Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bad Cramps

A 41 year-old male with no past medical history presents to the emergency department with chief complaint of mid abdominal pain and non-bloody diarrhea since last night. The patient describes his pain as intermittent and crampy with a mild cough. He tried taking Gas-X and Pepto-Bismul with no relief. He denies having fever, nausea or vomiting. He denies eating out at any restaurants recently. No sick contacts for recent travel. No recent contact with reptiles or petting zoos. No dysuria or hematuria.

On physical examination the patient's abdomen is soft, moderately distended and diffusely tender to palpitation with decreased bowel sounds. 

An acute abdominal series and CT scan of the abdomen/pelvis are obtained. 

Can you guess the diagnosis? 

Leave a comment below and tell us how you would manage this patient. 

The actual diagnosis for this real-life case will be posted in 1 week.  

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